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Mapping the European practice of Volunteering in probation

This mapping and evidence review will focus on what research and practice experiences reveal and are seen as ‘good practice’ in volunteering in probation across the EU. It will identify and describe the existing empirical evidence in volunteering in probation, helping partners present a snapshot of volunteering trends and key-features that can be incorporated into and built upon in the development and implementation of the European probation volunteer programme.


European Training programme for Volunteers in the Probation Services

Volunteering in the field of probation is not a disruptive approach (at least in some country partners). However, the more engagement (including sharing of tasks and responsibilities) we promote between CBOs/ volunteers and probation, the more volunteers require specific competencies and skills.  Concretely, in what concerns volunteering in the probation a much more comprehensive process is needed to
examine the role of volunteers. 


Community Based Organisations Capacity-Building

Community-based organisations (CBOs) working hand in hand with the probation system play a critical and relevant role in providing services at the local level, levering people serving a sentence to a law-abiding life. They also provide support to families, justice-involved people’s children, playing an important role in promoting a culture of rule of law.  It will entail a training course targeting CBOs leaders on how to plan
a volunteer programme, recruit, train and manage volunteers.

Agreement Number: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000089938

​Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of ​the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.​ 

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